PSAC Executive Committee manages this technical community, consisting of members-at-large and other members as specified by the Constitution & Bylaws. The number of elected members-at-large is 18 and the term of office is three years. The affairs of PSAC are managed by the Chairperson.
- The Awards Subcommittee identifies, encourages, and solicits PSAC member candidates for various IEEE awards: David Simon (chair).
- The Conference Budget Subcommittee advises International Conference on Plasma Science (ICOPS) chairs on budget preparation and reviews proposed budgets prior to approval by ExCom: Ian Ritterdorf (Chair).
- The Employment and Careers Subcommittee solicits resumes and job postings for inclusion in ICOPS career fair every year: Peggy Christenson (chair).
- The Membership Subcommittee recommends and implements ExCom-approved actions to increase PSAC membership.
- The Minicourse Subcommittee suggests topics for the annual Minicourse, held in conjunction with the ICOPS, and provides advice to help assure that the Minicourse is successful.
- The Nominations Subcommittee solicits nominees for the PSAC ExCom and for PSAC representatives to the NPSS AdCom: Fernanda Yamasaki (Chair), Debbie Levin.
- The Publicity Subcommittee develops and disseminates information about PSAC activities by submitting articles to the NPSS Newsletter: Nichelle Bennett (Chair).
- The Site Selection Subcommittee identifies potential ICOPS chairs and conference sites several years in advance, works with the proposed chairs to develop preliminary proposals, supports chairs with guidance, and presents recommendations to ExCom: Jane Lehr (Chair), Rajdeep Rawat.
- The Student Travel Grants Subcommittee solicits candidates for and selects student awardees to receives grants to cover partial costs of attendance at the PSAC ICOPS